
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Stories and Signage

It is hard to believe that it is over three months since our last post. A lot has been happening behind the scenes.
1.     The Stories  - our editorial team has been mining the rich material from our research team and developing them into accessible stories. The first two of these

Are now available as downloads from Sapphire Coast Tourism web site. under things to do.  We are thrilled with the depth of information and feel sure it will appeal to not only our visitors but also as a wonderful resources for locals.

Work will continue on packaging the other stories over the next few months. Feel free to pass this information on to others. Concurrently:

2.     The next stage of the project is to work with the Bega Valley Shire Council in facilitating the development of a design template for a shire wide uniformed approach to signage while at the same time acknowledging the specifics of what makes each local special.

2.1       The Cultural Heritage Working Group’s specific focus is the Shires entrance ways /information bays at Bermagui, Bemboka and Eden and the major centres of Bega and Merimbula. To do so however we need to come up with some underlying core ideas as a start for a uniform approach and then the individual details for each town and village.
This is a great opportunity to consolidate and rationalise the Shire’s approach to design while at the same time taking into account the specific identity, values and expectations of each community as well as meeting State and regulatory agencies specific requirements

2.2       We will be organising five  community workshops in October and November     starting in Bermagui then followed by Bega, Bemboka, Merimbula and Eden. to develop design briefs for branding, town signage and information bays.
In the workshops we will be looking at icons, style and colour and most importantly what
represents the town visually and defines its “personality” and attributes.

2.3      These workshops will be informed by the following resources.
a.     The Cultural Heritage Strategy downloadable from the site
b.     The BVSC Draft Development Control Plan 2012
c.  The BVSC Adopted Tourism Signage Plan
d.      The Brand Toolkit Australia’s Coastal Wilderness
e.     Australia’s Coastal Wilderness Experiences Development Strategy

It is really important that anyone attending the workshops is familiar with this material.
Stay tuned. 

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