We had a great workshop in Bermagui last Thursday evening.(11.10.12) A big thankyou to everyone who braved the rain, the winds and the
sudden return to winter to participate in the first of our community /
stakeholder consultations.
The workshop generated a great amount of material and ideas.
We will be processing this over the next few days and preparing for the next
workshop this Thursday at 4.30 at Bega in the Council Chambers.
Some of the questions raised in the meeting about Signage in
the Shire are answered in the Shire’s Tourism
and Facility Signage Plan December 2010. This document is 24 pages however
about half of it illustrations and it is a very easy read. Along with the other background reading
it can be downloaded from http://www.sapphirecoast.com.au/heritagetourismproject.php